The Government is committed to the Welfare and development of all segments of the Society. Enhancement of pension amount is a major welfare measure to ameliorate the hardships of the poor and vulnerable sections of the society, particularly the old and infirm, widows, and persons with disability etc.,to secure a dignified life.
In pursuit of this overarching goal, inspite of the challenging financial conditions, orders were issued vide G.O.Ms.No.43 Dated: 13.06.2024 enhancing the Social Security Pensions amount for Old Age Persons, Widow, Toddy Tappers, Weavers, Single women, Fishermen, ART (PLHIV) Persons , Traditional Cobblers,Transgender and Dappu Artists to Rs.4000/- per month, Disabled Persons and Multi Deformity Leprosy Persons to Rs.6000/- per month,Fully Disable Persons to Rs.10,000/- per month,Chronic diseases viz., BilateralElephantiasis-Grade 4, Kidney, liver and heart transplant,CKDU not on Dialysis CKD Serum Creatinine of >5 mg, CKDUNot on Dialysis CKD estimated GFR ml, CKDU Not onDialysis CKD Small contracted kidney to Rs 10000/- Per Month and also for people affected with Chronic Kidney Disease who are undergoing Dialysis both Government and network hospitals to Rs.10,000/- per month.The enhanced scale of pensions shall be Payable from July 2024 onwards.
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